Wednesday, December 10, 2008


We stayed up late, granting the kiddos request to watch "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and once everyone was in bed, I was ready for a little spray painting! The dog looked at me like I was crazy, but this frame needed an overhaul! It's much happier being a black frame and my little Christmas "Joy" hits the spot.

It found a home on the top of my piano, snuggled between my flocked trees and happy angels.

Home Goods WAS good to me!

I thought they were so sweet and didn't want them lost on the Christmas tree.

So they're caroling among the trees appropriately placed on the piano...

...which my three boys spend a collective hour and a half at each day, blessing us with melodic love.

1 comment:

Audra said...

Angels for the house of angels! You boys play beautifully. I hope you really do enjoy it. I know when my kids practice if can seem repetitive, but practice makes perfect.

Love the decor. Great eye!